Tag Archives: Duchess of Sussex

009: Meghan gets some unexpected support!

In today’s episode, I’m joined by my co-hosts Nelly and Gayle.
During the episode we discussed:
1. The open letter of support for Meghan written by the UK MP Holly Lynch and signed by another 72 female MPs from all political persuasions.
We looked at and discussed the significance of this letter of support for the duchess.
2. The sudden interest of the Grenfell Tower Fire and Community by another couple almost 2 and a half years after the disaster.
3. The private visit by Meghan to the Luminary Bakery in Camden, London.

I hope that you enjoy this episode.

007: Meghan Sues the Mail on Sunday!

In today’s episode I’m joined by my co-hosts Nelly and Gayle.

During the episode we briefly discussed the last days of the Sussexes’ Southern African Tour and the announcement that the Duchess of Sussex is to sue the Mail on Sunday in the High Court in London for breach of copyright and invasion of privacy.

I hope that you enjoy this episode.

005: Meghan Launches the Smart Set Capsule

In todays episode I’m joined by my two guests, Nelly and Gayle. Thank you ladies for coming back to #aduchesslikeuspodcast. 🙂

During this episode we discussed
1. The Smart Set Capsule Launch
2. The Smart Set Capsule items and the price of the capsule
3. The impact that Meghan has on the charities and patronages that she works with.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

You can contact me at
email: hello[AT]aduchesslikeus[DOT]com
Twitter: @duchessus

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